Turn to us when looking for affordable transformers for your business needs. We recondition and re-sell dry-type indoor and outdoor transformers from 1 KVA to 1,000 KVA. Additionally, we handle lighting and power three-phase transformers, a variety of single-phase transformers, and hard-to-find drive isolation transformers in various sizes.
There is always a demand for electrical disconnect equipment, and we keep your warehouse stocked. You’ll find fusible and non-fusible disconnects from 30 Amp to 600 Amp, in both 240 and 600 volts at our store. We also stock a variety of circuit breakers and breaker panels capable of being configured to fit your needs.
Row Electrical Equipment, Inc. is proud to supply rotating single to three-phase power converters in all sizes up to 200 horsepower in both 240 volts and 480 volts. Priced lower than the competition, our used phase converters feature a reconditioned rotating portion and new capacitor panels to create the third phase. Have our team engineer a phase converter that is sized perfectly for your application. Our phase converters come with a two-year warranty.